
How Your Dentist Can Fix Migraines

Posted by On 28-09-2021

Migraines are likely something that you would not want to wish even on your worst enemy. Millions of people suffer from these debilitating head surges of pain, particularly among women and those with a family history of the condition. Read More

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Should You Save or Extract Your Tooth?

Posted by On 22-09-2021

In a perfect world your teeth would never run into any issues. They would stay strong and look attractive for decades, even as the rest of your body ages.  Unfortunately we don’t live in that world. Read More

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Top 5 Tips for Maintaining Your Porcelain...

Posted by On 31-08-2021

A beaming white smile isn’t something that has to be reserved for anyone. In fact, just about anyone with a bit of cash lying around can commit to getting porcelain veneers on their teeth for an effortless ivory shine. Read More

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Laser...

Posted by On 24-08-2021

For many people going to the dentist can be a stressful experience. Read More

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Your Complete Guide to Post-Root Canal Care

Posted by On 26-07-2021

For some reason, the term root canal therapy can cause people to shudder with dread. Unfortunately, root canals are associated with pain, which means when people think of them, they figure the treatment causes the pain. It is actually the opposite. Read More

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