
Wisdom Teeth Removal: 11 Tips for a Speedy Recovery

Posted by On 6-05-2022

Your wisdom teeth are located at the very back of your mouth and are the final teeth to erupt. Although wisdom teeth most commonly appear between the ages of 17 and 21, they might never emerge at all.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to have issues with your wisdom teeth because there just isn’t enough room for them. If they do appear, they can begin to put pressure on your other teeth, which can lead to pain and tooth shifting.

It is also not uncommon for them to become impacted, which means instead of growing upwards like your other teeth, they either grow on an extreme angle or can’t erupt completely. When this happens, surgery will be required to remove your wisdom teeth. This routine procedure is very common but does require recovery time.

The most important aspect of recovery is ensuring you don’t dislodge the blood clots that form at the site of the wounds. You also want to avoid damaging the stitches used to close the holes left at the site of your surgery.

The blood clots act like a scab to protect the hole and allow it to heal. If the blot clot is dislodged, dry sockets can develop, which exposes your nerves, leading to increased pain and increased risk for infection.

Although we will provide thorough instructions to aid in post-surgery care, to help you enjoy a speedy, complication-free recovery, we recommend the following tips.

1. Manage pain

On the day of your surgery, you will be sent home as soon as is possible after you wake up from your sedation. You will need someone to drive you home as the sedation used will have long-lasting effects that can make it dangerous to drive.

You can manage pain using over-the-counter painkillers we will recommend after reviewing your medical history. You can also apply an ice pack to your face to help reduce swelling and keep you comfortable. Wrap ice packs with a cloth and apply them every 20 minutes, taking a break of at least 20 minutes before reapplying ice.

2. Sip your drinks

It might be tempting to use a straw when drinking fluids, however, straws should be avoided. Instead, take short sips from your glass to keep you hydrated. Avoid alcohol and drinks that contain caffeine. Staying hydrated is important for recovery, so try to drink water when you can.

3. Don’t smoke

Smoking is a big ‘NO!’ following surgery as it can interfere with healing. This is your chance to escape from the trap of smoking. Following surgery, blood clots will form in the socket where your tooth was removed. Smoking can dislodge the clots which can lead to dreaded, painful dry sockets.

4. Eat soft food

Chances are you won’t be feeling overly hungry following your surgery, however, it is important to eat even if you wait until the next day.

You’ll want to choose foods that don’t require much chewing, as this will interfere with the blood clots and stitches. When you feel hungry, start eating very soft food including:

  • Smooth soups
  • Broth
  • Yogurt
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mashed bananas
  • Cottage cheese
  • Apple sauce
  • Pudding
  • Soup
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Smoothies

5. Avoid hot foods

To help with the healing process, it is very important to avoid piping hot food. Extremely hot temperatures in food and drink can put you at risk of burning where you just had surgery.

6. Stick to the recommended diet

You should stick to the recommended diet for all your meals and snacks. This is important because food can get wedged at the site of your surgery.

If you are enjoying soup, make sure it is not too hot and do not slurp it. Instead, take small sips to avoid dislodging your blood clot. You should also avoid the following foods:

  • Spicy foods
  • Crunchy and crumbly foods
  • Grains and seeds
  • Berries such as raspberries and blackberries that have lots of seeds
  • Chewy foods

7. Introduce new food slowly

You can begin eating heartier food when the pain has subsided, and you feel you can handle it. Don’t rush things as the more time you allow for healing, the sooner you will be able to get back to eating all the foods you enjoy.

8. Avoid strenuous activity

You can get back to your regular activities as soon as you are feeling up to it, however, you should avoid any strenuous exercise for at least the first few days.

9. Proper care

We will provide proper care instructions to aid in the healing process. This includes:

  • No brushing or flossing the day of your surgery.
  • Rinsing your mouth with salt water to clean the wounds.
  • Never spit the water out when rinsing; let it fall out of your mouth and into the sink so you don’t dislodge the clots.

If you experience excess bleeding, you can gently dab the wound with gauze.

10. Recognize the signs of trouble

Although you are expected to experience some swelling, pain, and bleeding, you should watch for signs of trouble including:

  • Unbearable pain not reduced by medication
  • Trouble swallowing or breathing
  • Fever
  • Increased swelling
  • Numbness
  • Blood or pus from the nose
  • Bleeding that doesn’t stop

In most cases, you should be feeling better by the third day after surgery, with pain and bleeding completely gone within a week. If this is not the case, or you experience any of the above symptoms, contact our office immediately to arrange for a check-up.

11. Take medication as instructed

In some cases, we might prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. Complete the entire prescription to ensure they have time to take effect.

Depending on your particular case, you can expect to be fully recovered within a week. If your wisdom teeth were impacted, recovery can take longer. As long as you follow the home care instructions we provide, you should be able to heal well and avoid infection or complications.

For more tips on making a fast recovery from a wisdom tooth extraction, call Milltown Dental at (905) 878-8528 or contact us here.

Updated For 2022


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  • Posted on 14-09-2024 by Nathan


  • Posted on 20-08-2024 by Luiz Antonio Duarte Ferreira

    Great tips for a smooth recovery! The blog is incredibly helpful, providing clear and practical advice for managing wisdom teeth removal. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone preparing for the procedure. Thanks for the valuable insights!

  • Posted on 08-08-2024 by Shout N Australia

    Great tips for a quick recovery after wisdom teeth removal! The practical advice on managing pain and promoting healing is really helpful. Thanks for providing such clear and actionable guidance to make the recovery process smoother and faster!

  • Posted on 19-04-2024 by Best Dentists Perth

    Many thanks for your helpful tips! Managing pain following the removal of wisdom teeth is critical. Drinking, quitting smoking, and eating soft foods can all help you recover faster. Excellent advice for a smoother healing process!

  • Posted on 07-08-2023 by Orily Kim

    If bleeding still persists, try to get a moistened tea bag and place it on the surgical site for 30 minutes. Teabags contain tannic acid that helps form a clot by constricting the bleeding.

  • Posted on 13-06-2023 by Elle Jones

    Even though he has been in excruciating agony from his wisdom teeth since last week, my spouse appears genuinely apprehensive about having them removed. However, I am confident that things would improve if he quickly gets competent advice on the subject. Thank you for demonstrating that we should refrain from strenuous exercise for a few days after undergoing a removal procedure to recover more quickly.

  • Posted on 17-05-2023 by Ellisone Williame

    Great tips for a speedy recovery after wisdom teeth removal! I recently had my wisdom teeth extracted, and I can attest to the importance of following these recommendations. I also found it beneficial to stick to a soft food diet and avoid any strenuous activities that could disrupt the healing process. Overall, these tips are practical and comprehensive, and I highly recommend them to anyone preparing for wisdom teeth removal. Thanks for sharing!

  • Posted on 28-03-2023 by Lily Bridgers

    So here’s the thing: even though he has been in excruciating agony from his wisdom teeth since last week, my spouse appears genuinely apprehensive about having them removed. Nonetheless, I am confident that things would improve if he quickly gets competent advice on the subject. Thank you for demonstrating to us that we should refrain from strenuous exercise for a few days after undergoing a removal procedure in order to recover more quickly. I wish this will finally convince him to get his wisdom teeth extracted soon.

  • Posted on 28-03-2023 by Calgary

    Thank you so much for this post! My Son just had his wisdom teeth removed and I was not sure what he could and could not eat, your article really helped us out! I will also keep an eye out for the signs of trouble that you provided – much appreciate!

  • Posted on 06-02-2023 by Billy Sky

    Thanks for this. I will share these tips with my relatives. For sure, they will appreciate these ideas and tips.

  • Posted on 01-10-2022 by Marie Claire

    My son wanted to get his wisdom tooth removed next week, and I wanted to ensure that after the operation, he will have a fast healing and less pain from his extraction. I’m glad I have read through your post that my son can manage pain with over-the-counter pain relievers, which we will recommend after considering his medical history. He can also use an ice pack to minimize swelling and keep himself comfortable.

  • Posted on 12-07-2022 by Amy Saunders

    Hi. My husband seems really scared to get rid of his wisdom tooth even though it’s been causing him to suffer from immense pain since last week. Nonetheless, I believe things would certainly get better if he seeks professional consultations regarding the matter very soon. In the meantime, thanks for showing us that any rigorous physical activity must be avoided within a few days after we underwent a removal process so we could recover at a faster rate.

  • Posted on 11-03-2022 by Lynnwood Dental Studio

    That is a superb blog on tips for speedy recovery after wisdom teeth removal. All the tips mentioned in the blog are precise & easy to implement. If anyone is looking for treatment on removal of wisdom teeth, then do visit

  • Posted on 12-06-2020 by Bryan Mahone

    It is important that you schedule a regular checkup with your dentist. This way, your dentist can closely monitor the condition of your teeth using proper tools. Also, your dentist may perform cleaning procedures to keep your teeth intact and free of decay.

    Thank you for your tips, love this.